Project Development Report
3 min readMay 24, 2021 Official Github was started as an open-source project, the source code could be found in
The repository related to the website will be revealed later. At the moment, it’s closed because of some issues related to the website’s secret information.

Socbay’s features
The project is started on 08 April 2021, many features have been intensively developed. Some features are finished and under the testing process, users can now experience these features on and we welcome all criticisms.

Uploading video
Users can now upload videos directly to Crust Network using the uploading video page of

Uploading anything
In addition, users can upload anything other than videos and keep track of their data.

Uploading history

At the moment there are only two languages but other languages will be added to the website. The backend is finished therefore the adding language process should be done easily.

Live chat
The live chat is now used as global live chat because the number of active users is still limited, the separated live chat for each video will be activated when Socbay has a stable number of active users.
Live chat actually doesn’t require any sign-in.

Auto gateway selector
When loading the video page, a process of auto-selecting gateway will be done in the client browser to let the browser choose the fastest gateway among more than 10 gateways.

If needed, users can still choose their preferred gateway.

Plyr video player
A modern open-source video player is integrated into the website to give users the best experience while watching the video.

Some features given by the player:
- Rewind
- Fast-forward
- Picture-in-picture (currently Safari only)
- Airplay
- Download

Reducing uploading fee
Actually, Socbay collects user files and uploads these files to Crust Network once the total size exceeds the preset size. This way could reduce significantly the uploading fee because the fee is calculated according to the number of uploads.

Users should notice that when the video is in the local node, the loading speed is much lower than when these files are on Crust Network because the number of replica of files on Crust Network is 100+, which means more than 100 nodes hold and distribute the same content to users and that offers much higher loading speed.

