Decentralized Crust Explorer
2 min readJul 31, 2021 needs an explorer of storage order therefore we recently launched a low cost/ decentralized Crust Expolorer —, the explorer is completely hosted on Crust Network. Actually, Crust Network can replace centralized solution in some markets such as hosting restaurant websites, hosting company profil websites, hosting dapps (e.g. Uniswap),… these websites are usually static and don’t require centralized server to be alive.

The idea behind CruScan is using client’s browser to process the request, Github acts as a database for needed information on the website. Some features need public APIs to operate.

Many interesting features could be deployed on the explorer with almost zero-cost to keep the explorer alive such as Order Scan, get the CID json file of a wallet, place a storage order, renew an order…

At the moment of writting this article, user can check the status of an order on and can also get technical replicas info of the order. Futher features will be developped if we see the need of the community.

